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Notification Callback

You can optionally recieve update messages when something changes for a single user.

Your Endpoint

Please first provide the callback URL to your partner manager.


One Endpoint Only

Callback messages are sent to one endpoint only. Allow your endpoint to support future messages for different messageType and message.

Ensure Successfull Delivery

When receiving a callback message, you must always respond with a HTTP 2xx code when the message is received at your end. Any other errors or failures will queue the message for a later time. Failed messages are retried max 10 times within at minimum 10 minutes.

Shipment Status Updates

Each time when a relevant shipment's status has changed, a message will be sent to the callback end point.

    "messageType": "ShipmentStatusUpdate",
    "message": {
        "stateCode": "ReadyForDropoff",             # See State Codes tab
        "eventDate": "2024-05-22T08:58:07.9529436Z",
        "providerKey": "8f11fbbf",                  # Your user's uuid, provided 
                                                    # in redirect URL
        "deeplink": null                            # Optionally contains a deeplink 
                                                    # to the details page within the
                                                    # MyPup web app.
StateCode Description
ReadyForDropoff This status can be used to inform the user that they are able to place a package into the locker. It signifies that the storage locker is available.
ReadyForPickup This signifies that there's a package in the locker that's ready for the user to retrieve. You can use this status to notify the user that their package is in the locker.